Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Voices Made Me Do It

I am pulling close to 30 and have realized my opportunities are different than my friends. This is a place to be grateful for the stage of life I am in.

Am I grateful for the online dating stage I am in? I am not sure yet but it definitely has taken me years to try it. 
It is a daunting process which consistently includes arguing with the voices in my head. I have added an example below for clarity.

Frustrated Ria: I give up.
Hopeful romantic Ria : You gotta keep trying.
Works all the time Ria: It's too much work.
Want to have a family Ria: It's totally worth it.
Broken heart bitter Ria: Really? Is it really?
The good old days Ria: It's absolutely worth it!
Don't want to fight with the voices anymore Ria: Sigh...fine...sigh.

All that just to get to the online dating screen that asks for my dating headline. 
Pretty sure no one is going to check out a profile of someone whose dating headline is:
"The voices in my head made me sign up for this."

But then again the site does have some very helpful prompts that include: 
  • Do you have a funny saying?
  • An inspirational quote?
  • How would your friends describe you?

I believe my friends and family describe me as always on the go and afraid of commitment. Pretty sure that is not going to go over well on the internet!

I have decided that online dating is not worth the journey if I am not going to share it with the people who have brought me this far. I wish desperately I could sit in a coffee shop with each of you, look into your eyes and tell you these stories in my most dramatic voice. I know you would give me the best advice and use the most caring words. And so I have chosen to share here and ask for your help. 

So my dear friends and precious family...could you offer me some better suggestions for a dating headline?


Caroline said...

i think you should stick with the one you have. i would totes date someone with that mantra posted as their headline.

Unknown said...

I think it should be: "I'm Ria. I'm bring laughter and smiles to everyone I meet!" Too honest? I dunno, but it's how I think of you! I have another camp friend that is trying online dating as well. She has not found the "man of her dreams" yet, but is having fun! Good luck!